Pop an EcoDrop into a clean 750ml spray bottle, fill it with water, put the spray-top on and give it a good shake. Give it a few moments to let the drop dissolve completely, and then you can get to work. Spray your surfaces from 20cm away, leave it to get to work for two minutes and then wipe it off with a clean, damp cloth. You can reuse old spray bottles - just give them a good rinse first, and be sure to affix the stickers we send you to the bottle. Place one EcoDrop into a clean 750ml spray bottle and fill to the top with water. Screw on the spray-top and shake. Leave to stand until the drop is fully dissolved. Spray from a distance of 20cm and leave to stand for 2 minutes then wipe down with a clean, damp cloth. If you are reusing an old spray bottle, give it a good rinse before use and apply the stickers included in the pack to the bottle.